Research on Key Influencing Factors of Type\|selection and Capacity\|allocation for Stand\|alone Hybrid Generation System
Graphical Abstract
Reasonable type-selection and capacity allocation of hybrid power generation system is critical for improving the renewable energy utilization. In this paper, the structure of general stand-alone hybrid power system is constructed and the key factors that influence type-selection and capacity-allocation are discussed. The optimized objective is to minimize the total net present cost (NPC) of system, which includes capital cost and operation cost. In addition, Homer software is used to optimize the types and capacity allocation of the system, and the sensitivities of key influence factors are simulated. Furthermore, the influences of natural resources, load level and fuel prices on optimized type-selection and capacity-allocation of general hybrid power generation system are studied. The results can provide a reference for such engineering applications as the optimal type-selection and project planning of stand-alone hybrid power generation system in remote area.