Research of DC Microgrid Based on Sustainable Building and Plug\|in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Graphical Abstract
In order to improve the power supply reliability of sustainable buildings, DC microgrid based on sustainable building and plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) is presented by taking the characteristics of electric vehicles (EVs) as distributed energy storage units. Based on the actual operation of photovoltaic (PV) generation and EV charging, the system operation is divided into three operation modes, which are islanded mode at daytime, grid-connected mode at daytime and grid-connected mode at night. In addition, operation modes and control strategies of each module under different modes are proposed, which realize coordinated charging of PHEVs, achieve the purpose of peak-load shifting, and improve both power quality and economics of the microgrid. Simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed DC microgrid and control strategy.