Experimental Study on Vibration Energy Collection Based on Piezoelectric Material
Graphical Abstract
Based on the piezoelectric characteristics and equivalent electrical model of the material, an experimental system has been designed to convert the energy of vibration into the electric power. The experimental system takes the real time requirement of condition monitoring and faults diagnosis as background and aims at the application of the power supply for wireless sensor network nodes. It consists of piezoelectric ceramics, vibration shaker, rectifier converter, charge circuit, Lithium battery, etc., the experimental scheme is accomplished to convert and collect the vibration energy of the piezoelectric material with synthesizing rectifier, switching part and super capacitor. A small device has been analyzed and verified with experiments and the recorded data. The experiment shows that vibration energy can be converted to electrical energy and then electrical energy is stored in Super Capacitor, intermittently charged through switching part into charge chip, and stored in a lithium battery.