
Regulation Strategy of New Energy Participated in Electricity Trading Based on Cooperative Game Model

  • 摘要: 我国“十四五”规划提出建设以新能源为主体的新型电力系统,这为我国能源结构优化和低碳建设提供助力,同时也对新能源的消纳和电力供需稳定提出了新的要求。文中立足于现阶段新能源参与电力市场的基本情况,通过构建供给侧火电与新能源多能互补的合作联盟以及供需双侧可调负荷与新能源的源荷互动合作联盟,通过信息互补、潮流互济等多种形式,实现有效的新能源消纳量提升和电力合作联盟的电力市场效益提升。并通过仿真案例证明了所提模型在促进新能源消纳、减少电力市场偏差和提升合作联盟效益等多个方面存在显著成效。


    Abstract: In China’s 14th Five-year Plan it is put forward to construct new-type power system, in which new energy is taken as the main body, such policy will provide assistance for both energy source structure optimization and low carbon construction in China, meanwhile it puts forward new demands on the accommodation of new energy and the stability of power supply and demand. According to present basic situation of new energy participated in electricity market in present phase, by means of constructing the complementary cooperation alliance of thermal power at the supply side and new energy sources as well as constructing the interactive cooperation alliance of the adjustable load on both sides of supply and demand and new energy, through diversified forms such as message complementary, power flow interchange and so on, effective improvement of new energy accommodation and electricity market efficiency improvement of power cooperation alliance were improved. The effect of the proposed model in promoting new energy accommodation, reducing the deviation of electricity market and improving the benefit of the cooperation alliance is verified by simulation cases.


