
Monthly Rolling Optimization Model for Electricity Sellers Considering the Weight of Renewable Energy Power Consumption Responsibility

  • 摘要: 随着中国可再生能源电力消纳责任权重政策的逐渐推行,作为考核主体之一的售电商需要同时考虑用户用电需求和消纳责任权重考核要求。因此,在完成消纳责任权重的基础上,如何合理分配售电商的购电量,使其购售电所得利润最优成为研究重点。为解决售电商在年内分配,并在执行消纳责任权重指标的同时实现购售电策略优化的问题,首先通过分析售电商在消纳责任权重下的购售电机理,提出售电商采取3种不同合同模式的售电策略以及考虑消纳责任权重的购电策略。基于此,建立目标为售电商年度利润最大以及考虑社会福利最大的分月购售电滚动优化模型。算例分析结果表明,所提模型可以辅助售电商完成消纳责任权重考核,提高购售电执行有序性,增加售电商利润及社会福利。


    Abstract: With the gradual implementation of China's renewable power consumption responsibility weighting policy, electricity sellers, as one of the main subjects of the assessment, need to consider both customer demand and renewable energy quota. The focus of the study lies in optimizing profits of electricity sellers from electricity purchases and sales by efficiently allocating electricity purchases on the basis of the fulfillment of renewable energy quota. To optimize the electricity purchase and sales strategies for electricity sellers and allocate and execute the responsibility weighting targets simultaneously, we first analyzed the electricity purchase and sales mechanism of sellers under responsibility weighting. Subsequently, we proposed the electricity purchase strategies of electricity sellers with three different contract modes and the electricity purchase strategies considering the responsibility weighting. On this basis, a monthly rolling optimization model for electricity purchase and sales was developed with the objective of maximizing the annual profit of sellers and maximizing social welfare. The results of the analysis indicate that the proposed model can facilitate sellers in conducting the assessment of the weight of consumption responsibility, enhance the systematic execution of electricity purchase and sale, and increase the profit of electricity sellers and social welfare.


