
Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Model for P2P Transactions Between Distributed Generation and Consumers Considering Conditional Value-at-risk

  • 摘要: 分布式点对点(peer to peer,P2P)电能交易能促进能源就近达到供需平衡,在保证公平性的同时提高电网利用效率。该文提出P2P电能交易模型,并基于非对称纳什谈判(asymmetric nash bargaining,ANB)理论研究合作收益分配机制。首先,建立P2P电能交易双方合作模型,二者通过合作产生合作剩余,然后基于非对称纳什谈判理论构建交易双方的收益分配模型,使得合作收益能在买卖双方间得到合理分配,最后通过算例验证所提合作博弈模型的有效性。仿真结果表明,交易双方通过合作,可以较大幅度提高各主体的运行效益以及合作联盟的整体效益,也能体现P2P电能交易卖方和买方在联盟中贡献大小的差异,可以更合理地分配合作收益。


    Abstract: The implementation of distributed peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading facilitates the localized balancing of the power supply and demand, leading to an improvement in grid utilization efficiency whilst ensuring fairness. A P2P energy trading model was proposed, and a cooperative surplus distribution mechanism building on the asymmetric Nash bargaining theory was studied. First, a cooperative model was established to enable cooperation between sellers and buyers in a P2P energy trading system, offering cooperative surplus due to cooperation. Then, by using the asymmetric Nash bargaining theory, a profit distribution model for both parties was constructed to ensure the equitable allocation of the cooperation surplus among buyers and sellers. Finally, case studies were presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. The simulation results indicate that the cooperative method can improve the benefits of each entity and the overall benefits of the cooperative alliance. It reflects the disparity in contributions between sellers and buyers within the P2P energy trading system, thereby enabling a fair distribution of cooperation surplus.


