
Multi-objective Capacity Optimization Configuration in Microgrid Considering Life Cycle Carbon Metering and Carbon Trading Mechanism

  • 摘要: 全寿命周期碳计量和碳交易机制能够充分体现绿色、协调的发展理念,对于引导微电网低碳化建设具有重要意义。面向提升微电网系统经济-环境效益需求,提出了一种考虑全寿命周期碳计量和碳交易机制的多目标微电网容量优化配置模型。首先,基于典型微电网系统架构,采用全寿命周期法分析各设备的碳排放量,并将碳权交易机制引入到系统中,构建了微电网系统碳排放计量和碳交易机制;其次,以全寿命周期内总成本现值和碳排放量最小为优化目标,建立了多目标微电网系统容量优化配置模型;最后,采用我国某实际电网典型日数据进行了算例分析。结果表明,所建模型可以在尽可能降低碳排放量的前提下,有效提升微电网系统经济性。


    Abstract: The life cycle carbon metering and carbon trading mechanism can fully reflect the concept of green and coordinated development, which holds great significance for guiding the low-carbon construction of microgrid system. Aiming at improving the economic and environmental benefits of microgrid, in this paper we propose a multi-objective capacity optimization configuration model in microgrid with life cycle carbon metering and carbon trading mechanism taken into account. Firstly, based on the typical microgrid system architecture, we examine the carbon emission of each equipment by using the whole life cycle method. Additionally, we introduce the carbon trading mechanism to the system and constructs a carbon emission metering and carbon trading mechanism for the microgrid system. Secondly, a multi- objective configuration model is established for microgrid system capacity optimization, with the goal of minimizing both the present total costs and the carbon emissions throughout its entire life cycle. Finally, we utilize the typical daily data from a specific operational power grid as an example for analysis. The results indicate that the model can effectively improve the economy of the microgrid system under the premise of reducing carbon emission as much as possible.


