
Optimal Scheduling for Integrated Energy Systems Considering Liquid Storage Carbon Capture and Thermal Recovery of Power to Gas

  • 摘要: 在双碳目标背景下,针对常规碳捕集方式调节能力不足以及未深入挖掘电转气低碳潜力的问题,提出了一种考虑储液式碳捕集和电转气热回收的综合能源系统优化调度策略。首先研究储液式碳捕集机组的能量时移特性促进风电消纳的原理,其次分析电转气作为等效电负荷和考虑热回收特性提升风电消纳能力的原理,接着构建了以运行成本最小为目标的综合能源系统低碳经济调度模型,最后通过算例仿真验证所提模型在兼顾系统运行经济性和低碳性的同时降低系统弃风率,对实现电力系统低碳转型具有重要的参考价值。


    Abstract: On a double carbon goal background, to address the issues of insufficient regulation capacity of conventional carbon capture methods and the lack of further exploitation of the low-carbon potential of power to gas, an integrated energy systems optimal dispatching strategy was proposed with liquid storage carbon capture and power to gas thermal recovery taken into consideration. Firstly, the energy time-shifting characteristics of liquid storage carbon capture units to promote wind power consumption were investigated. The second part involves analyzing the justification for power to gas as an equivalent electrical load, while considering thermal recovery characteristics to enhance wind power consumption capacity. A low carbon economic dispatch model for integrated energy systems was then constructed with the objective of minimizing operating costs. Finally, the proposed model was verified through simulation, demonstrating its economy and low-carbon characteristics in reducing the wind abandonment rate of the system. This serves as a crucial reference for realizing the low carbon transition of power systems.


