
Dual-mode Adaptive Optimal Dispatch Strategy for ESS in Rural Distribution Networks With High Proportion of PVs Considering Carbon Efficiency

  • 摘要: 在“双碳”目标和乡村振兴战略的引导下,高比例分布式光伏接入的新型农村配电网面临着安全、低碳、经济运行方面的巨大挑战。储能设备具有电能存储和时序转移的特点,可以促进光伏消纳,同时有效提高农村配电网的减碳效果。然而,现有的光储协同的低碳优化调度方法存在无法兼顾电压安全和减碳效果,以及缺乏精细化时空碳足迹追踪的问题。提出了一种计及减碳效益的高比例光伏农村配电网储能双模式自适应优化调度方法。该方法考虑储能设备在调峰、调压、减碳方面的作用,提出了农村配电网储能自适应双模式日前优化调度架构,并制定了双运行模式的切换准则。在此基础上,分别建立了以配电网安全运行和低碳运行为目标的储能调度模型,并利用遗传算法求解得到双模式协同的储能优化运行方案,以实现农村配电网的安全低碳运行。通过对改进的IEEE 33节点算例进行仿真测试,验证了所提储能自适应优化调度方法在调压调峰和减碳运行方面的优势。该方法能够在保证电压安全的前提下,有效提高高比例光伏接入农村配电网的减碳效果。


    Abstract: To achieve carbon neutrality and promote rural revitalization, rural distribution networks (DNs) with a high proportion of photovoltaics (PVs) face challenges of security, low-carbon operation, and economic viability. As energy storage systems (ESSs) possess the inherent characteristics of energy storage and time sequence transfer, they play a crucial role in enhancing PV capacity and reducing carbon emissions in DNs. However, existing low-carbon day-ahead dispatch strategies for PVs and ESSs fail to effectively balance voltage security and carbon reduction. Besides, the refined temporal carbon tracking is not taken into account. In response, in this paper we propose an adaptive security-ecology day-ahead dispatch strategy for ESSs in rural DNs with high proportion PVs, which considers carbon reduction benefits. The strategy considers the roles of ESSs in voltage adjustment, peak-load shedding, and carbon reduction, constructs an adaptive dual-mode day-ahead optimal scheduling architecture for energy storage in rural DNs, and establishes switching principles for two operation modes. Furthermore, optimization models are respectively developed to adjust voltage, manage peak-valley differences, as well as reduce carbon emissions. The optimal day-ahead dispatch strategy of ESSs is obtained by solving the aforementioned models using the genetic algorithm. The case study of the modified IEEE 33-node distribution network verifies the feasibility and superiority of the proposed adaptive security-ecology day-ahead dispatch strategy for ESSs. Besides the security and ecology of rural DNs are effectively improved under the premise of ensuring voltage safety.


