
Evaluation Approach for Wind and Solar Complementarity Considering Output Fluctuation and Intermittency

  • 摘要: 合理利用风能太阳能互补可以有效平抑新能源出力不确定性,是促进高比例新能源消纳的有效技术手段之一。针对目前互补性评估方法存在的问题,考虑出力波动性及间歇性来定义风能太阳能互补性的评估指标,并以乌兰察布地区为例展开分析计算。研究结果表明乌兰察布北部地区风能太阳能互补性优于南部地区。互补过程中单一新能源装机容量占比过大均不利于最大程度地平抑波动性及间歇性。所提出的互补性指标可用于优化风能太阳能装机容量比例,实现最佳的互补效果。


    Abstract: The utilization of the wind and solar complementarity presents an effective approach to mitigating the uncertainty of renewable power output. The present study proposes complementarity indexes based on the fluctuation and intermittency of the renewable power output, in order to address the limitations of current indexes. The proposed indexes are subsequently employed to assess the complementarity of wind and solar in Ulanqab. Analysis results demonstrate that the northern region in Ulanqab exhibits higher degree of complementarity compared to the southern regions. The mitigation of fluctuation and intermittency of renewable power output cannot be maximized when a single renewable resource accounts for a higher proportion of the installed capacity in a hybrid system. The proposed indexes can be utilized to optimize the wind and solar installed capacity ratio to achieve the optimal complementary effect.


