
Coordinated Optimization Method for Photovoltaic Capacity and Regulation Capability and Asymmetric Parameters in Distribution Network

  • 摘要: 随着分布式光伏渗透率的提高,其出力不确定性恶化了电压质量和运行经济性,严重制约了分布式光伏进一步消纳。为应对这一问题,该文提出一种考虑成本约束的分布式光伏容量、可控光伏位置、逆变器容量、控制参数联合优化方法。首先,考虑运行场景的变化,充分利用光伏逆变器就地无功调压能力,建立非对称参数控制模型;然后,以控制建设和运行成本为约束,建立分布式光伏并网容量与逆变器调控能力、调控参数相协调双层优化模型。考虑光伏、负荷短时波动不确定性的影响,通过优化方案形成和方案概率约束指标校核相结合的两阶段过程进行模型求解;最后,通过改进IEEE33节点算例验证所提模型的有效性和实用性,并分析非对称参数、逆变器是否可控、成本约束对光伏接纳能力的影响和源荷不确定性对电压控制的影响,为欠发达地区提高光伏并网容量提供有益参考。


    Abstract: The increasing penetration rate of distributed PV leads to the degradation in voltage quality and operation economy due to the uncertainty in its output, seriously restricting the further consumption of distributed PV. To address this issue, this paper proposes a joint optimization method for distributed PV capacity, controllable PV location, inverter capacity, and control parameters considering cost constraints. First, an asymmetric parameter control model is built based on the changes in operating scenarios and the reactive power regulation capability of photovoltaic inverters. Subsequently, constrained by control construction and operation costs, a two-layer optimization model is established to coordinate distributed PV grid-connected capacity, inverter coordination capability, as well as the coordination of the control parameters. And a two-stage solution process of optimization scheme formation and probabilistic constraint index scheme calibration is proposed considering the impact of short-term fluctuation uncertainty of photovoltaic and load. Finally, the model is verified by the IEEE33 node arithmetic example. In addition, the effects of asymmetric parameters, controllability of the inverter, cost constraints on the PV admittance capacity and source-load uncertainty on the voltage control are investigated, which offer valuable references for non-developed regions seeking to enhance their PV grid-connected capacity.


