
A Revenue Allocation Method for Virtual Power Plant Considering Participant Contributions

  • 摘要: 虚拟电厂是新型电力系统建设中重要的市场主体之一,合理分配收益是推动其有序建设的重要助力。提出了考虑参与者权责的虚拟电厂收益分配策略,以虚拟电厂总收益最大为目标,考虑风光出力的不确定性,构建了含分布式风光电源、储能设备、可调节负荷的虚拟电厂日内优化调度模型,模拟不同参与者参与下虚拟电厂性能;定义了参与者历史信誉度、偏差调整贡献度和收益增长贡献度指标,从历史表现和待分配日双重时间尺度评价各参与者对VPP整体收益的贡献;提出了考虑贡献因素加权的改进Shapley值法,对虚拟电厂总体收益进行分配,使收益分配可以兼具历史贡献和待分配日性能双重影响,以激励各参与者参与VPP协同控制。算例结果表明本文所提收益分配策略可明确虚拟电厂内部各参与者对虚拟电厂整体收益和考核的贡献,实现“谁提供、谁获利”,保障虚拟电厂聚合各参与者收入分配的公平性和合理性。


    Abstract: Virtual power plant serves as an important market players in the construction of new power system, and the reasonable allocation of revenue is essential to promote its orderly construction. In this paper we propose a revenue allocation strategy for virtual power plants that considers the rights and responsibilities of the participants. The primary objective is to maximize the total revenue of the virtual power plant. With the uncertainty of wind power output taken into account, an intraday optimal scheduling model for the virtual power plant is constructed, incorporating distributed wind power, energy storage devices and adjustable loads. The performance of the virtual power plant is simulated under the participation of various participants. The historical credibility, deviation adjustment contribution, and profit growth contribution of participants are defined to assess the contribution of each participant to the overall revenue of the VPP from both the dual time scales of historical performance and the day-to-be-assigned date. An improved Shapley value method, which considers the weighting of the contribution factors, is proposed to allocate the overall revenue of the virtual power plant. This method ensures that the allocation of the revenue achieves a dual impact of both the historical contribution and the day-to-be-assigned date performance, thus motivating the participants to participate in the collaborative control of the VPP. Example results indicate that the proposed revenue allocation strategy can clarify the contribution of each participant to the overall revenue and assessment of the virtual power plant, realize the principle of "whoever provides, whoever profits", and ensure the fairness and reasonableness of the revenue allocation of each participant in the virtual power plant aggregation.


