Quantitative Evaluation for Economic Risk of Energy Saving Program in Distribution Network
摘要: 以重庆城乡配电网综合节能技术研究及试点应用为背景, 以控制节能改造方案经济性风险为目的, 建立了适用于节能改造的经济性风险量化评估模型。模型中通过对随机现金流的改进, 提出了风险系数的判定方法。对重庆地区实际的节能改造方案进行了风险系数的计算, 并给出推荐方案。证明推荐方案的经济性风险低于实际的改造方案, 从而对实际改造方案作出改进。文末对风险系数在实际工作中的应用做出了总结。Abstract: As to the integrated energy saving techniques and pilot application in urban and rural distribution networks in Chongqing, a quantitative evaluation model is built to regulate economical risk of energy saving program. Through the improvement of the random cash flow, a judging method to determine risk coefficient is proposed in this paper. The risk coefficient of actual energy saving scheme is calculated and recommended scheme is given. It is proved that the risk coefficient of recommended is lower than that of actual scheme, which is helpful for improving of actual scheme. The application of risk coefficient in actual work is summarized in the end.