基于改进区间SE DEA模型的电建企业效率评价研究

Research on the Efficiency Evaluation of Electric Power Construction Enterprises Based on Improved Interval SE DEA Model

  • 摘要: 对电建企业的经营绩效进行科学评价具有重要意义。提出一种可用于电建企业效率评价的改进区间SE DEA模型。该模型能够克服传统DEA模型指标数值必需为确定值的不足, 可以根据不同决策者的满意度水平, 将所评价的问题转化为有不同侧重的SE DEA模型, 给出决策单元在不同情况下的效率取值区间, 并进行全排序。该模型同时具有区间数和SE DEA方法的优点, 拓展了经典DEA模型的适用范围, 为电建决策者和监管者实施弹性管理提供了一种全新的方法。


    Abstract: It is important to evaluate the performances of electric power construction enterprise scientifically, so an improved interval super efficiency DEA(SE DEA)model is proposed to solve this problem. The improved model has some advantages, such as overcoming the limit of using of certain value in normal SE DEA model, converting evaluation issues into SE DEA model with different weights according to different satisfactory levels of decision makers and determining efficiency value interval of Decision Making Unit(DMU)under different situation, and providing the information of sorting for the DMUs, etc. The proposed model makes good use of interval numbers and SE DEA method, which expands the application of classical DEA model, and provides a new method for the flexible management of the policymakers and regulators.


