
Progress on Thermal Performance of Counter flow NaturalDraft Cooling Tower in Power Plant

  • 摘要: 逆流式自然通风冷却塔热力性能研究主要包括热力设计计算方法、热力计算、阻力计算、填料特性研究和冷却塔热力性能影响因素研究。本文对国内外专家在这几个方面研究所提出和开发的各种计算模型、经验公式和计算程序进行了综述, 并介绍了目前国内外在诸如雨滴直径、环境侧风、淋水密度和周围空气条件等冷却塔热力性能影响因素方面的研究进展。另外, 进一步阐述了国内在填料特性研究、热力计算程序验证和塔内设施计算等方面存在的问题。最后探讨了随超大型逆流式自然通风冷却塔以及超大型高位收水冷却塔出现而产生的新问题及对应的研究新课题。


    Abstract: Studies on the thermal performance of counter flow natural draft cooling tower mainly include computational methods for thermal performance design, thermal performance calculation, drag force calculation, investigation of packing characteristics, as well as the influencing factors on the thermal performance of cooling towers. Focusing on these aspects, the present paper gives an overview on various computational models, empirical formulas and numerical codes proposed and developed by experts and scholars at home and abroad. A few defects in domestic research about packing characteristics, code validation, and numerical simulation of cooling tower considering components and facilities inside are discussed, and some new research subjects are also highlighted with the emergence of new cooling tower.


