
Operational Optimization Analysis of Variable Speed Condensate Pump

  • 摘要: 节能降耗是火电厂的重要任务, 如何最大限度降低厂用电率已成为电厂节能降耗面临的主要问题之一。调速凝结水泵在低负荷下没有处在最佳工况点运行, 增加了厂用电率。为寻找调速凝结水泵的最佳运行工况点, 依据泵的相似定律和凝结水泵的实际性能曲线, 建立了调速凝结水泵功率在线分析数学模型。在考虑管道阻力损失的情况下, 建立不同流量下凝结水泵最小功率的方程, 确定了调速凝结水泵在不同工况下的功率目标值;计算了除氧器定压运行和滑压运行下调速凝结水泵的最小功耗, 并得到其最优的运行方式。实例计算结果表明了该方法的有效性。


    Abstract: Energy saving and consumption reduction is the important task of coal-fired power plants, and how to reduce auxiliary power ratio is becoming a key step to successfully carry out the task. When the variable speed condensate pump fail to work at the best situation in lower load, it would increased power consumption ratio. In order to find out the best operating point of variable speed condensate pump, a mathematical model of online analysis for variable speed condensate pump was established based on the law of similitude and the practical performance curve of condensate pump. Considering the pressure loss of pipe, an equations of minimum condensate pump power output was established under the different flows, and the targeted value for pump power was determined in different flow conditions. The minimum power consumption of variable speed condensate pump was calculated when the deaerator operated in constant pressure or sliding pressure, and the optimal operation mode of condensate pump was obtained. The example results show the validity of this method.


