
Study on Optimal Design Method for Stand alone Wind/Solar/BatteryHybrid Power System

  • 摘要: 以解决风光储互补发电系统的合理配置问题, 实现系统能独立为风光资源丰富的边远地区和海岛提供清洁、可靠及廉价的电力能源为目的, 提出了一种基于全年负载缺电率(LPSP)和全寿命周期成本(LCC)为优化目标的风光储互补发电系统优化设计方法。为精确计算系统的运行状态, 建立了基于小时时间尺度的风力机组发电量计算模型、光伏电板发电量计算模型和蓄电池组的表征组件特性的数学模型;为发挥风光互补系统发电量互补的优势, 建立了风光储互补发电系统中光伏方阵倾角优化模型;以LPSP和LCC作为系统的优化指标, 建立了LPSP和LCC计算模型;运用迭代算法计算各种可能出现配置下的LPSP和LCC;通过LPSP可靠性筛选和LCC经济性优化, 最终得到LCC最小并能满足LPSP要求的系统配置。该优化方法按照小时的尺度进行优化计算, 优化结果精度高;LCC经济性评价指标全面和客观;倾角优化发挥出系统发电量互补的优势。


    Abstract: In order to solve the assignment problem of the wind/PV/battery hybrid power system, and to achieve the aim of independently providing clean, reliable and economic power for the area which is abundant in wind and solar resources, the paper presents an optimal design method of hybrid system based on the whole year's Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) and the whole Life Cycle Cost (LCC). For the purpose of precise calculation of the system operation condition, a mathematic model of calculating method has been built for electric energy production of wind turbine, PV arrays and storage battery's behavior regime on the time interval of hour. By taking advantage of hybrid system, the optimal model to calculate the angle of PV arrays is also built. In addition, the model to calculate LPSP and LCC, which are taken as optimal index, is set up, and LPSP and LCC in all kinds of possible configurations are calculated based on iterative algorithm. The system configuration, which has minimum LCC and its reliability meet the requirement of LPSP, is obtained through reliability filtering of LPSP and economic optimization of LCC. This optimized design is calculated base on one-hour timescale, and result shows its high precision. LCC is taken as the economic index is feasible, and optimum angle of the PV arrays can play the key role of the system hybrid predomination.


