A Power Market Equilibrium Model with Emissions Trading
摘要: 为减少温室气体排放而建立的排放权交易机制, 给促进可再生能源电力发展提供了参考, 以研究排放权交易对市场出清结果的影响为目的, 建立了考虑排放权交易的电力市场均衡模型。该模型计及网络约束、负荷弹性需求、发电商生产成本和减排成本, 采用猜测供给函数模拟发电商博弈行为, 是一个符合混合线性互补形式的双层优化问题。设计一个3节点算例, 通过GAMS-PATH软件求解, 其结果验证了该均衡模型的正确性, 算例显示, 排放权交易有利于提高低排放率发电商的市场竞争力。最后结合国外排放权交易情况, 给出我国开展排放权交易的建议。Abstract: Emissions trading mechanisms is set up to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as to promote the development of renewable power. We present a power market equilibrium model with emissions trading to study the impact of emissions trading on the clearing results of electricity market. The model considers network constraints, load elasticity demand, production and emission\|reducing cost of generation companies. We use conjectured supply function to stimulate the game behaviors of generation companies. This equilibrium model is a two\|level optimization problem, which satisfies the mixed linear complementarity conditions. We use the GAMS\|PATH software to solve this optimization problem, in which the numerical result for a three\|bus system verifies the validity of the model, and shows that the emissions trading helps to increase market competitiveness of those generation companies with lower emission rate. In the end, we give some recommendations on emissions trading in China based on the current status of emissions trading abroad.