1000kV GIS变电站避雷器配置研究

Study on Configuration of Lighting Arrester in 1000kV GIS Substation

  • 摘要: 针对济南1000kV GIS变电站避雷器配置问题, 基于电磁暂态计算程序EMTP建立了1000kV 配电装置雷电侵入波过电压计算模型。利用该模型计算了1000kV配电装置在近远期规模下的雷电侵入波过电压水平, 获得了不同设备上的雷电侵入波过电压波形, 分析了不同避雷器配置下1000kV GIS设备上的雷电过电压幅值和折反射变化特性。最后, 基于计算分析结果并结合规程要求提出了基于雷电侵入波过电压水平下的避雷器优化配置方案, 为变电站优化设计提供了技术支撑。


    Abstract: As to the configuration problem of lightning arrester in Jinan 1000kV GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear)substation, the calculation model of overvoltage level of lightning invading wave for 1000kV power distribution equipment is put forward in this paper. Based on this model, the overvoltage level of lightning invading wave of 1000kV power distribution equipment in near and long term is calculated, and the overvoltage waveform of lightning invading wave on the different equipments is obtained. Then the characteristic of amplitude and catadioptric law of lightning overvoltage in different configuration scheme of lightning arrester is analyzed. In the end, according to the analysis results and the requirement of regulations, the optimized configuration scheme of lightning arrester is proposed based on overvoltage level of lightning invading wave, which provides effective support for optimizing design.


