
Discussion on the Standardization of UHF PD Detection

  • 摘要: 特高频(UHF)局部放电检测技术取得了广泛应用,但不同产品的检测结果量纲表示方法不统一,相互之间缺乏可比性,从而难以对此类检测系统性能进行统一有效的量化评价。本文重点探讨了局部放电特高频检测的量纲问题,基于局部放电特高频信号的物理本质和局部放电UHF耦合器的特性,提出了采用“局部放电辐射信号的脉冲电场强度幅值”来表征特高频局部放电信号强度的思想。通过对当前主流局部放电特高频检测产品的量纲表示进行了深入的解析,探讨了以电场强度的量纲“uV/m”来统一局部放电特高频检测结果的技术可行性。


    Abstract: UHF partial discharge(PD) detection technology is applied widely, but for different products, because of different detection dimensions which cause the incomparability of results,its difficult to evaluate on such detection systems with common quantitative method. Therefore, the expression of partial discharge UHF detection is discussed mainly in this paper. Based on the physical nature of the partial discharge UHF signal and the characteristics of UHF coupler, the idea of using the amplitude of pulse electric field for PD radiation signal is proposed to represent the UHF PD intensity. Through further analysis on the representations of major UHF PD detection products, the possibility of representing UHF PD results with ‘uV/m’ is discussed.


