Fuzzy Logic Control of Battery Energy Storage System for Smoothing Wind Power Fluctuation
摘要: 在应用储能系统平抑风电场功率波动的过程中,为有效增强功率波动平抑的效果,同时延长储能系统的工作寿命,提出了基于模糊控制的储能系统控制方法。该方法根据风电机组输出功率的变化值和储能系统的电池荷电状态,采用模糊控制方法,实时调节低通滤波器的滤波时间常数,在尽可能平抑风电机组功率波动的同时,有效地保证电池荷电状态维持在限定范围内,避免电池过度充电或过度放电。在SIMULINK环境下进行了采用和不采用模糊控制的仿真对比,结果表明采用模糊控制的储能系统控制方法可以有效降低风机输出功率的变化率,同时也能降低储能电池荷电状态的变化率。Abstract: In the process of applying energy storage system to smooth the wind power fluctuation, the energy storage system control strategy based on fuzzy logic control is proposed for improving the smoothing effect and prolonging the work life of the energy storage system. This control strategy can real-time adjust filter time constant of low-pass filter by using of fuzzy logic control method according to the output variation of the DFIG and the SOC of the battery. This control strategy can also stabilize the power fluctuations as much as possible, and keep the SOC of the battery within limits so that it can prevent the battery from overcharge and excessive discharge at the same time. The simulation results under the environment of SIMULINK show that the control strategy with fuzzy logic control can effectively reduce the changing rate of wind power and the battery's SOC.