When it is required to cut active power among wind farms in emergency situation, the coordination among wind farms is needed to allocate power cut amount. In this paper, the active power cut mode of wind farms is analyzed firstly, and four kinds of power allocation algorithms are proposed based on combination of cut wind farms, cut generators in wind farm, the combination of cut wind farms and cut generators in wind farm, and the ranking of accumulative active power cut amount in wind farm. Then, a comprehensive evaluation index is set up by weighted combination of five indicators, such as distribution deviation and the number of cut wind farms, to evaluate the performance of each algorithm. In the end, an actual wind power cluster is used as an example to verify the validity of proposed algorithms. Distribution results and comprehensive evaluation index values show that four kinds of allocation algorithms have different application scopes, in which the algorithm based on the ranking of cumulative power cut amount in wind farms has smallest comprehensive evaluation index value and the widest application scope.