Study on Hierarchical Control of Microgrid
摘要: 微电网技术具有许多优点,然而微电网中的分布式电源自身的不稳定性将导致微电网的运行控制困难。针对此问题,提出了分层控制方法。这种控制方法将分层控制分为三层,每一层独立完成自身的控制任务,通过通信通道向下层传达命令,且传达命令过程中不会影响系统的稳定性。基于下垂控制方法,微电网分层控制的第一层为分布式电源和负荷控制,第二层为在第一层控制信号基础上的频率和电压幅值控制,第三层为微电网功率和主网功率控制。利用Matlab/simulink对微电网接入主电网进行建模仿真,结果表明分层控制方法能够较好地实现对微电网的控制。Abstract: Though microgrid technology has many advantages, the instability of distributed generations in microgrid will make it hard to control system operation. So a hierarchical control method is proposed in this paper, in which the hierarchical control structure is divided into three levels. Each level accomplishes its own control tasks, and control command is transmitted to the lower level through communication channel. Moreover, the communication process of the control command should not affect the control system stability. Based on the droop control method, the first level of the microgrid hierarchical structure controls distributed generations and loads, and gives control signals to the second level to control frequency and voltage magnitude. In the third level, power exchanges between the microgrid and the power grid can be controlled. In this paper, Matlab/Simulink software is used to build a model of microgrid connected to power grid. The simulation results show that hierarchical control has good control effectiveness for mircrogrid.