
A Simulation Study on Grid-Connected Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generation

  • 摘要: 为更好高效利用风能,无刷双馈电机须与大电网进行并网运行,为减小对并网过程中对电网的冲击,须有效控制发电机的频率、幅值和相位,本文基于对无刷双馈电机数学模型的分析与简化,提出了一种简单的并网控制策略,并在SIMULINK环境下进行建模与仿真,结果验证了本文所提策略的正确性与可行性,为无刷双馈电机并网控制的进一步研究提供参考。


    Abstract: To efficiently make good use of wind power, the generator must operate at the status of connecting to power grid. And the controlling of frequency, amplitude and phase of generator efficiently is also needed to reduce their impact on the power grid. In this paper, a simple and practical grid-connected control strategy is proposed based on the analysis and simplification of the mathematical model. And through modeling and simulation under the environment of SIMULINK, the validity and feasibility of control theory is verified, which provides certain theoretical basises for further studying grid-connected control of BDFIGs.


