
Multi objective Optimization of Generation Rights Trade Based on NBI Method

  • 摘要: 在一次发电权交易中,社会效用和网损是两个需要优化的目标。本文提出一种新的发电权交易报价方式,建立了一种以社会效用(大)和网损(小)为目标的优化模型。采用NBI法将多目标优化问题转化为单目标优化问题,并推导了NBI法下社会效用与网损之间置换度指标的表达式。采用约束松弛变量内点法对所提模型进行求解,在IEEE118节点系统上验证了所提模型与方法的有效性。


    Abstract: In a power generation rights trade, social utility and network loss are two objectives to be optimized. In this paper, a new generation rights trading quotation method is proposed, and a optimization model with the objectives of social unity (big) and network loss (small) is built. By applying normal boundary intersection method, the multi objectives optimization problem is converted into a single objective optimization problem, and the formula of substitution degree between social utility and network loss are derived. The proposed model is solved by constrained slack variables interior point method. In the end, the effectiveness of the proposed method and model are validated by IEEE 118 bus system.


