
Parameters' Modification Method to Two and Four jointed Parallel Lines

  • 摘要: 以多回线间互感彻底解耦的六序分量法和12序分量法为基础, 解决不同类型线路连接时的故障分析问题, 提出了适用于混合多回线路连接时的参数修正方法。分别针对同杆4回线、双回线的多种单回线故障和跨线故障, 按照所提出的参数修正方法进行短路计算, 并将短路计算值与ATP仿真值进行比较, 结果表明该方法在不同结构输电线路的故障分析中正确有效。


    Abstract: With the wide application of n jointed parallel lines on the same tower, the fault analysis problem for different type transmission lines is solved based on the six and twelve sequence component method. The six and twelve sequence component methods can be used to decouple the mutual inductance between lines completely. The method of parameters' modification applicable to mixed n jointed parallel line system is proposed based on the decoupling of inter phases and inter lines. When faults occur in parallel lines and in four jointed lines, short circuit currents of many types of single line faults and inter line faults are calculated according to the method of electrical parameters' modification. The correctness of this method is validated by comparing the calculation values with the ATP simulation values.


