
A New Strategy for Smoothing Wind Power Fluctuation Based on Battery Energy Storage System

  • 摘要: 为平抑风功率的波动,提高电池储能的使用效率和使用寿命。本文根据电池的技术特性,从控制电池的角度出发,提出了基于三电池组拓扑结构的电池储能系统(battery energy storage system,BESS),并设计了控制策略控制不同电池组处于不同的工作状态,即其中两组分别处于充、放电状态,另外一组处于备用状态,三组电池交替工作平抑风功率中的正、负波动分量,依次在“充备放备充”的循环模式下工作,从而提高电池的使用效率,延长电池寿命。最后基于某风场实际数据的仿真表明,基于三电池组拓扑结构的储能系统在平抑风功率波动的基础上可提高蓄电池的使用效率几乎达100%。


    Abstract: In order to improve the usage efficiency and increase service life of the storage battery, a topology of treble battery energy storage systems (BESSs) is proposed to smooth fluctuation of wind power from the aspect of battery controlling based on the technical characteristics of batteries. Besides, a controlling strategy is also designed to guarantee that different battery energy storage systems have different tasks among these treble battery energy storage systems, in which two BESSs are running in charging and discharging states respectively, while the other is in the standby state. Thus to dispatch alternatively, the positive and negative fluctuating components of wind power are applied. The usage efficiency and the cycle life of the battery can be improved successfully if the treble battery energy storage systems (BESSs) work in the cyclical patterns of charge storage discharge storage charge. The simulation results of a certain wind farm show that the usage efficiency of the storage battery can be improved to almost 100% with the topology of treble BESSs based on the function of smoothing the fluctuation of wind power.


