Hierarchical and Distributed Voltage Control with Regional Adaptability in Active Distribution Networks
摘要: 针对主动配电网集中控制周期长,调节有载变压器分接头响应速度慢,难以有效地解决局部电压越限等问题,提出一种新型电压分层分散控制方法。该方法基于多代理系统架构,以分布式电源为中心将配网划分为多个随系统运行状态变化而具有自适应性的本地控制区域,充分利用分布式电源无功输出调节能力,从而实现电压分区自治控制,并且在分散控制架构下实现与传统变压器调节手段相配合的配网综合电压调控。最后基于IEEE33节点配电测试系统对所提方法的有效性进行了分析与验证。Abstract: Due to the fact that the centralized control cycle of active distribution network is long and the response speed of on\|load transformer tap is slow, it is difficult to effectively solve such problems as the local voltage off\|limit. In this paper, a new hierarchical and distributed voltage control method is proposed. Based on multi\|agent system architecture, the distributed grid is divided into several local control zones (LCZs) that their sizes are adaptive to different system state, and the adjustment ability of reactive power output for distributed generation (DG) is used to realize distributed autonomous voltage control. In addition, the comprehensive voltage control of distribution network is realized by combining with adjustment method of traditional transformer in the decentralized control framework. In the end, the effectiveness and validation of proposed method is verified based on IEEE-33 node test distribution system.