
A Voltage Regulation Method Based on the Coordinated Power Control of Distributed Photovoltaic Inverter

  • 摘要: 分布式光伏的大量接入会引起接入点出现过电压问题,对逆变器的功率进行控制可以达到调节电压的目的,为此,在深入研究有功功率抑制(active power curtailment ,APC)调压方法和Q(U)与Q(P)等调压方法的基础上,提出了一种协调控制区域内各逆变器输出功率的电压调节方法。该方法将APC与无功功率控制的方法相结合,考虑到各分布式光伏电源之间的协调,采用集中控制的思想,建立典型的约束优化数学模型,使用复合形算法优化求解各逆变器的有功和无功功率指令值,以此保证线路上各节点的电压在规定范围内。最后建立典型的低压配电网模型,对比现有Q(U)和Q(P)控制策略,验证了该方法的优越性。


    Abstract: The increasing integration of distributed photovoltaic results in the overvoltage problem at the point of interconnection, which can be regulated by controlling the active and reactive power of inverters, so a voltage regulation method is presented based on the coordinated power control of inverters in control area by studying such typical voltage regulation methods as Active Power Curtailment (APC) method and reactive power controlling methods including Q(U) and Q(P). By combing the APC and Q(U) method and considering the coordination between each distributed inverters, the constrained optimization mathematical model is built, which can solve active and reactive power reference value using complex method and guaranteeing the voltage level on buses within the limits. At last, a typical low voltage distributed network is used to verify the superiority of proposed method by comparing with the existing methods.


