
Research on Big Data Analysis Platform for Smart Grid and Its Application Evolution

  • 摘要: 随着智能电网的快速发展,大数据技术在智能电网中的应用也得到了进一步提升,掌握大数据技术对建设智能电网具有重要意义。本文在总结国内外智能电网及大数据研究现状的基础上,阐述了智能电网大数据的特征,并且结合国内外智能电网及大数据的研究成果,提出了具有通用性的智能电网大数据分析框架,并且分别从智能电网大数据的数据分析技术、数据管理技术、数据处理技术以及数据展现技术4个方面深入探讨了其核心技术的内容。最后,本文提出了智能电网大数据的应用演进路径,并且通过三个具体应用场景,阐述了智能电网大数据的应用。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of smart grid, big data techniques in the smart grid has been further improved, whose application will contribute to the establishment of smart grid. Based on the domestic and foreign research status of big data in smart grid, its characteristics is introduced in this paper, and a universal analysis framework is proposed by combining with the research results of smart grid. Then core content of big data in smart grid are discussed in such four aspects as analyzing techniques, management techniques, processing techniques and visualization techniques of big data. In the end, the roadmap of application evolution for big data in smart grid is presented, and the application of big data in smart grid is demonstrated from three specific application scenarios.


