
Design of Wide-area Damping Controller for Large-scale PV Power Plants Based on Correlation Identification Method

  • 摘要: 针对含大型光伏电站的电力系统可能存在的区间低频振荡问题,提出基于相关辨识法的大型光伏电站广域阻尼控制器设计方法。首先采用基于伪随机信号的相关辨识法得到系统的开环传递函数。接着将TLS-ESPRIT法应用到主模比指标的计算中,并结合留数指标对阻尼控制器输入信号进行优选,然后采用极点配置的方法整定控制器参数。最后,在DIgSILENT/PowerFactory中搭建含光伏电站的两区域系统机电暂态模型,时域仿真结果表明:所提出的光伏广域阻尼控制器能够有效抑制系统区间低频振荡,提升了系统小干扰稳定性。


    Abstract: As to the potential inter-area low-frequency oscillation problem of power system with grid-connected large-scale photovoltaic (PV) power plants, wide-area damping controller (WADC) for large-scale PV power plants is proposed based on correlation identification method. Firstly, the open loop transfer function of the system is obtained by correlation identification method based on pseudo random signals. Then TLS-ESPRIT(total least squares- estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques, TLS-ESPRIT) method is applied in calculating dominant mode ratio (DMR) to select the optimal input signal of WADC by combining residue index. Secondly, the parameters of WADC are regulated by using pole placement method. Finally, the electromechanical transient model of two-area system with grid-connected PV power plants is built by DIgSILENT/PowerFactory. The time-domain simulation results show that PV WADC for power system with grid-connected large-scale PV power plants can effectively control inter-area low-frequency oscillation, and improve the small signal stability of power system.


