
Distributed Generation Planning for Active Distribution Network by Considering Energy Storage and Reactive Power Compensation

  • 摘要: 主动配电网(active distribution network,ADN)采用主动控制和管理措施,能够有效解决高渗透率分布式能源并网的技术难题。针对多类型分布式电源(distributed generation,DG)、储能和补偿电容接入ADN的综合最优配置问题,建立了考虑综合成本,平均供电可靠性和温室气体排放量的多目标模型,并采用一种改进的多目标粒子群算法进行优化求解。该算法通过引入遗传算子提高算法的全局寻优能力,避免算法进入早熟;在处理DG、储能和补偿电容定容问题时,通过外部档案更新和种群全局最优解的选取,提高多目标粒子群算法优化容量分配的能力。针对获得的非劣解集,采用基于信息熵的模糊决策技术得到不受决策者偏好影响的最终方案。算例选取IEEE-33节点配电系统作为仿真对象,证明了该算法具有良好的收敛特性和全局搜索能力。


    Abstract: The application of active control and management measures to active distribution network (ADN) can effectively solve the technical problem of distributed energy connected to the grid with high permeability. With respect to the comprehensive optimal allocation problem of ADN connected with multi-type distributed generation (DG), energy storage and compensation capacitor, a multi-objective optimization model is built by considering the integrated cost, average power reliability and emissions of greenhouse gases, and a kind of improved multi-objective particle swamp optimization algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. This algorithm can improve the global optimization ability of the algorithm and avoid premature by introducing genetic operators, and can improve the capacity of optimizing capacity allocation of multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm through the external file updating and selecting strategy of group global optimal solution in dealing with capacity allocation problem for DG, energy storage and compensating capacitor. For the obtained non-inferior solution set, a fuzzy decision technique based on the information entropy is applied to obtain the final scheme, which is immune to the preference of decision-maker. The IEEE-33 buses distribution system is chosen as simulation object to validate good converge property and global searching ability of the algorithm.


