
The Coordinated Control Strategy for Virtual Synchronous Generator of PV Stations and VSC-HVDC Without Communication

  • 摘要: 光伏电站通过柔性直流输电系统集电后可向受端电网供电,同时柔直系统的虚拟同步响应有利于增强受端电网的暂态稳定性。本文分析了VSC-HVDC的控制策略,并且针对受端电网发生频率扰动的情况,提出了一种不依靠通信的光伏电站与VSC-HVDC的虚拟同步机协调控制策略。在受端电网扰动情况下,受端交流系统频率与送端交流系统电压幅值通过送端换流器的变压控制实现耦合。光伏逆变器的功率控制器将响应送端换流器的电压变化并调整输出的功率指令值,同时实现集电系统有功功率平衡控制和HVDC虚拟同步控制的直流电压无差调节。应用MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真软件搭建了系统的仿真模型,验证了所提协调控制策略的有效性。


    Abstract: Multiple large-scale PV station will supply power through voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) transmission,and inertia response of VSC-HVDC is beneficial for enhancing the transient stability of receiving end of power grid. In this paper,the control strategy of VSC-HVDC is analyzed, and a novel control strategy of coordinated virtual synchronous generator (VSG) of PV stations and VSC-HVDC which does not rely on communications is presented as to the frequency variation of receiving end of power grid. The coupling between the frequency of the receiving end of power grid and the voltage amplitude of the sending end of power grid is obtained through the variable voltage control of the sending end converter if the disturbing occurs at receiving end of power grid.The power controller of PV inverter will influence the voltage variation of the sending end converter of HVDC, and regulate the instruction value of output power.At the same time,the real power balance between the PV stations and HVDC is achieved, and the HVDC system can keep its DC voltage unchanged under the steady state when applying the VSG control scheme. Simulation model is built by using MATLAB/SIMULINKsimulation software, which verifies the validity of the proposed control strategy.


