
Research on Coordinated Strategy for Emergency Control of Asynchronous Interconnected Power Grid Considering Receiving End Voltage Profile

  • 摘要: 当送端电网仅通过多条高压/特高压常规直流或柔性直流线路与受端电网相连构成异步互联电网时,若大容量直流发生闭锁,将引发送端及受端系统的频率及电压问题。本文针对异步联网后的多直流孤岛系统,基于直流系统的快速性及可控性,提出一种针对直流闭锁故障紧急状态下功率支援的协调控制策略。首先,通过综合考虑交流电网强弱、潮流转移的影响,提出了考虑受端电压水平的有功功率分配算法。其次,通过对直流功率提升/回降、FLC、稳控切机以及分轮次切机等不同控制措施的协调配合,提出了一套多直流孤岛系统协调控制策略。最后构建了一套协调控制系统并通过南方电网2016年夏大方式下的RTDS仿真模型验证了此系统的有效性。


    Abstract: When an asynchronous interconnected power grid is formed with the sending power grid connected to the receiving end only by a series of HV/UHV DC or flexible DC lines, large capacity DC blocking will occur, which will lead to frequency and voltage problems in the sending and receiving end. In this paper, for the multi-DC island system after asynchronous interconnecting network, a coordinated control strategy for power support under DC blocking emergency fault is proposed based on the fastness and controllability of DC system. Firstly, the active power allocation algorithm is proposed considering the voltage level at the receiving end by analyzing the influence of the strength of AC power grid and the power flow transfer. Secondly, through the coordination of such different control measures as DC power RUN UP/RUN BACK, FLC, cutting machine by the stabilization control device and sub-round cutting machine, a coordinated control strategy of multi-DC islanded systems is proposed. Finally, a set of coordinated control system is built, and the effectiveness of the system is verified through the RTDS simulation of the South China Power Grid in summer 2016.


