
Study on Power Quality Detection in Digital Substation

  • 摘要: 首先介绍了电子互感器结构及其在数字化变电站中的应用, 其次分析了光电流互感器、光电压互感器、 电流互感器、GIS电压互感器、独立式电子互感器的原理, 并仿真了电流互感器、GIS电压互感器的幅频和相频响应曲线, 最后讨论了数字化变电站电能质量测试装置应具有的功能, 并提出了检定检测装置准确度的可行方法。


    Abstract: For the issue of the power quality detection of digital substation, the frequency response characteristics of the electronic transformer are studied. The simulation analysis curves are depicted based on the circuit model, the functions of the power quality detectors in digital substation are discussed, and the feasible methods to test the accuracy of detectors are proposed.


