A Decentralized Charging Controlling Strategy for the Electric Vehicle Aggregator Based on the Augmented Lagrangian Method
摘要: 在电动汽车保有量日益攀升的背景之下,研究了配电网中电动汽车聚合商的分散充电控制策略。考虑配电网的系统约束以及所辖电动汽车充电需求的约束,以分时电价机制下的电动汽车聚合商充电收益最大化为目标,建立了电动汽车聚合商的集中充电控制模型。针对集中控制策略在实际应用中所存在的通信量大、通信成本高、计算效率低以及用户隐私泄露等问题,在集中控制模型的基础上,构造增广拉格朗日函数,引入交替方向乘子法,最终提出了电动汽车聚合商的分散充电控制策略,实现了由个体电动汽车根据本地信息计算充电方案的目标。通过仿真结果验证了该分散充电控制策略可以保证电动汽车聚合商的充电收益最大化,而且有着较高的计算效率和较快的收敛速度。Abstract: With the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, decentralized charging controlling strategy for the electric vehicle aggregator is studied in this paper. Considering grid security and electric vehicle charging requirements of distribution network, the centralized charging controlling model for the electric vehicle aggregator is built with the objective of maximum charging revenue for electric vehicle aggregator under the background of time-of-use (TOU) tariff. As to such issues as large communication amount, high communication cost, low computing efficiency and privacy protection caused by the centralized charging controlling model in practical application, a decentralized charging controlling strategy for the electric vehicle aggregator is presented based on the augmented lagrangian method and the alternating direction multiplier method, by which, the electric vehicle can determine its charging plan according to local information. The simulation results show that maximum revenue of electric vehicle aggregator can be obtained by the proposed decentralized charging controlling strategy, and higher calculation efficiency and faster convergence speed will also achieved.