
Study on Efficiency of Green Certificate Trading System Considering Designed External Transferring Mechanism

  • 摘要: 绿色证书交易机制是将火电外部性成本转移至对可再生能源发电正外部性补偿的有效途径。为控制燃煤发电带来的污染物影响,我国设立污染物排放费用的征收标准,对于排污企业进行费用征收。本文联合排污费征收、绿色证书交易机制,并考虑可再生能源发展基金运行产生的财政缺口,进行了外部性转移机制设计。在引入排污费机制,并将排污费缴纳作为燃煤企业核发绿色证书的标准后,可以实现可再生能源发展基金资金缺口的有效填补。论文以华北某地区的机组运营数据为依据形成算例,通过经济、环境效益两方面的分析,证实了所设计机制的有效性。


    Abstract: The green certificate trading mechanism is an effective way to transfer the externality costs of the thermal power generation to the positive external compensation of the renewable energy power generation. To control the pollutants impact brought by coal-fired power generation,China has established a pollutant discharge standard.In this research, the pollutant discharge fee levied, the green certificate trading mechanism, and the fiscal gap created by the operation of the renewable energy development fund are combined together to form an external transfer mechanism.By introducing the external transfer mechanism, the renewable energy development fund gap was found to be effectively filled.The case study is carried out based on the unit operation data a specific area in North China, and the analysis of the economic and environmental benefits confirms the validity of the designed mechanism.


