Research on Waste Heat Recovery of Circulating Water in Power Plant by Heat Pump Technology
摘要: 电厂的循环水存在大量低温热能, 热泵具有将低温热能提升为高温热能的能力。对利用热泵回收电厂循环水余热的技术进行了可行性分析, 并与常规热电厂供热进行对比, 认为利用热泵回收电厂余热具有节能、环保的双重效应;然后以某电厂周边小区应用循环水热泵系统进行冬季供暖以及夏季制冷为实例, 进行了技术经济性分析, 虽然水源热泵系统的初投资较高, 但运行费用较低, 5年可收回投资成本。Abstract: There is lot of low temperature heat energy in circulating cooling water of power plants, and the heat pump has the ability to elevate energy from low grade to high grade. The feasibility of utilizing waste heat recovery by heat pump technology in power plant is analyzed. The comparison is made with the conventional heat supply such as the heat power plant, which proves that it has the double effects on energy saving and environmental protection. According to its application to the surrounding residential areas of the power plant for the winter heating and summer cooling, the techno economic analysis is carried out. Though the initial investment is higher, the operation cost is lower and all of the investment can be recovered within five years.