Bi-layer Multi-scenario Planning of Distributed Photovoltaic Generations Considering Photovoltaic Accommodation Rate
摘要: 针对当前配电网中由于分布式光伏电源规划不合理而导致较为严重的弃光问题,研究构建了新型计及光伏消纳率的分布式光伏电源双层多场景规划模型。其中外层规划模型以光伏投资者年净收益最大为目标优化光伏电源的安装容量,内层规划模型则以光伏年消纳率最大为目标对光伏电源的出力削减量进行优化。然后,基于多场景分析和改进K均值聚类方法进行场景缩减,并利用分子微分进化算法求解上述双层规划模型。最后以IEEE 33节点配电网系统为例进行计及光伏消纳率的分布式光伏电源规划,结果验证了所提规划模型及求解方法的优越性。Abstract: In view of the serious power curtailment problem due to the unreasonable distributed photovoltaic (PV) generations planning in the distribution network, a new bi-layer multi-scenario planning model of distributed photovoltaic generations considering its accommodation rate is built. The outer model optimizes the installed capacity of PV generations with the goal of maximizing the annual net income of photovoltaic investors, and the inner model optimizes the power curtailment of PV generation to maximize the annual PV accommodation rate. The scenarios are generated by the improved K-means clustering method. The multi-scenario based bi-layer planning model is solved by the molecular differential evolution algorithm. Finally, the simulation results of the IEEE 33-bus distribution system verified the superiority of the proposed planning model and the solution method.