Research on Short-term Load Forecast Using Multi-task With Low-rank Representation
摘要: 在电力系统负荷预测中,使用传统的单任务学习方法未考虑多个地点的负荷间的潜在关系,忽视关联信息在多个地点间传递的可能会导致学习效果欠佳。针对这一问题,本文提出基于低秩表示的多任务学习方法进行多个地点的多任务负荷预测,该方法在学习过程中可以提取不同位置的负荷预测模型的共享低维表示,从而可以挖掘多个任务之间的关联关系,同时又可以区别不同任务之间的差别。实验表明,多任务负荷预测的平均性能优于决策树和随机森林等单任务学习方法,在负荷预测的精度上有了一定的提升。Abstract: For load forecasting in power system, latent relationships among different locations are not considered by traditional single task learning method. Neglecting the associated information transfer between multiple locations may lead to poor learning. In order to use latent relationships fully, an approach is proposed to forecast load for multi-locations simultaneously by using multi-task learning with low-rank representation. By extracting shared low dimension representation among load forecasting models at different locations, the approach can mine relationships between multiple tasks, and distinguish differences between different tasks. It is verified by simulation result that the multi-task load forecasting performs on average better than single-task learning algorithms such as decision trees and random forests, and the load forecasting accuracy has been improved.