
Intraday Interaction Mechanism of Virtual Power Plant Considering Members’ Response Willingness

  • 摘要: 为了考虑电网、虚拟电厂(VPP)和内部分布式单元之间的互动,协调成员的可调节共享资源,本文在外部电网环境及内部成员意愿的基础上,研究了虚拟电厂内部个体的协同调度,实现其同外部电网的最优交互。根据电网调整需求和内部单元的响应意愿,建立基于日内调整的虚拟电厂互动机制,得到虚拟电厂的日内调整计划。算例表明所提日内互动机制可以有效协调虚拟电厂内部的可调整资源,保证虚拟电厂按照计划执行,并满足电网的调整计划。


    Abstract: The interaction between the grid, virtual power plant (VPP) and internal distributed generation (DG) needs to be considered to coordinate the adjustable resources. The coordinated scheduling of DG inside is proposed to realize the best interaction based on day-ahead scheduling by analyzing the grid conditions and members’ adjustment willingness. According to grid regulation demand and response willingness, an intraday interaction mechanism is developed to get the intraday scheduling results. The simulation shows that through the intraday interaction mechanism, the VPP realizes the optimal coordination of adjustable resources among DGs to ensure the implementation of VPP schedule, and meet the regulation plan of the grid.


