
Optimal Scheduling Method for Peak Load Shifting of Energy Storage Station with Large-scale Distributed Photovoltaic Integration

  • 摘要: 针对区域性规模化分布式光伏并网引起的系统调峰问题,本文提出了一种含储能电站的削峰填谷优化调度方法。首先从容量渗透率、天气等角度分析了规模化分布式光伏并网后对系统负荷以及调峰能力的影响;随后将储能电站作为独立电源接入系统,提出了规模化分布式光伏并网条件下含储能电站的优化调度方法,利用储能电站削峰填谷,以净负荷方差最小为目标,对储能电站充放电功率进行优化,兼顾系统经济性和风电优先调度,以系统运行成本最小为目标对常规机组与风电场群进行调度;最后,通过仿真验证了所提方法的有效性。


    Abstract: An optimal scheduling method for peak load shifting of energy storage station was proposed to deal with the system peak-shaving problem caused by regional large-scale distributed photovoltaic integration. Firstly, this paper analyzed effects of large-scale distributed photovoltaic on system load characteristics and peak-shaving capacity under different penetration level and weather. Then, the optimal scheduling method was proposed with the energy storage station as an independent source to fulfill peak-load shifting. The charging and discharging power of the energy storage station was optimized to minimize net load variance. Conventional units and wind farm groups were scheduled to minimize system operating cost by considering system economy and wind power scheduling priority. Finally, effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by simulation results.


