
Research on Multi-time Scale Optimization Scheduling Strategy of Microgrid Based on Improved Generative Adversarial Network for Wind and PV Power Scenario Generation

  • 摘要: 针对微电网中风光出力不确定性对微电网优化调度的影响,文中提出了一种基于Wasserstein距离的条件生成对抗网络(conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial networks, C-WGAN)方法生成风光场景的微电网多时间尺度优化调度策略。首先,通过C-WGAN模拟生成指定的风光场景。然后,在日前优化调度阶段综合考虑蓄电池退化成本和联络线功率交互成本,并引入优化系数来优化联络线的交互功率。在日内优化调度阶段,以跟踪日前优化调度的结果为主要目标,从而有效减少日前可再生能源以及负荷的预测数据误差所带来的影响。算例结果表明,文中所提方法不但能够很好地减小可再生能源输出不确定性所带来的影响,也能够有效保证微电网运行的经济性,对微电网运行调度研究具有一定意义。


    Abstract: Aiming to address the impact of renewable energy output uncertainty on optimal scheduling of microgrid, a multi-time scale optimal scheduling strategy for wind and PV power scenario generation in microgrid based on C-WGAN (conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial networks) is proposed. Firstly, the specified wind and PV power scenarios are generated through C-WGAN. Then, during the day-ahead optimization scheduling stage, a comprehensive consideration is given to the cost of the connecting line and the battery degradation, while introducing an optimized coefficient to optimize the interactive power of the connecting line. The primary objective during the intraday optimization scheduling phase is to track the results of day-ahead optimization scheduling, so as to effectively mitigate the impact of inaccuracies in day-ahead renewable energy and load prediction data. The results indicate that the proposed method not only exhibits strong robustness, butalso effectively guarantees the economic operation of microgrid.


