
Levelized Cost of Energy of Wind Power System in Multi-permeability Scenarios

  • 摘要: 为实现高比例新能源电力系统发电和消纳成本的计算,基于传统的风力发电平准化度电成本模型,首先构建了计及风电并网导致的辅助服务费用和风电低碳效益的系统平准化度电成本模型和考虑渗透率的风电装机容量变化关系模型,进而以风电的出力序列为纽带打通这2个模型,将满足渗透率要求的最小风电装机容量设为输入参数,量化风力发电的系统平准化度电成本,实现对不同渗透率场景下风电系统平准化度电成本测算。最后,通过算例分析,研究了4种典型渗透率场景下风力发电系统平准化度电成本的变化,并绘制了考虑不同渗透率的风电系统平准化度电成本变化曲线图。结果表明,调峰成本对风电渗透率变化最为敏感。所建模型可有效应用于不同渗透率场景下风力发电成本的计算,为区域风电并网的合理规划和成本管控提供支持。


    Abstract: To have power generation and consumption costs of high-proportion new energy power systems calculated, based on the traditional wind power levelized cost of energy(abbr. LCOE) model, firstly, a wind power system-levelized cost of energy model(abbr. S-LCOE) was constructed considering the auxiliary service costs caused by wind power integration and the low-carbon benefits of wind power, and a change relationship model of wind power installed capacity was established considering the permeability. Furthermore, the output sequence of wind power was used as the link to connect the two models. The minimum wind power installed capacity which meets the permeability requirement was set as the input parameter to quantify the cost of wind power generation in order to realize the power cost calculation of wind power systems under different permeability scenarios. Finally, by numerical analysis, the changes in the power consumption cost of wind power generation under four typical permeability scenarios were studied, and the curves of the S-LCOE of wind power considering different permeability were plotted. The results show that the change in wind power penetration has the greatest impact on peak shaving cost. The proposed model can be effectively used to calculate the cost of wind power generation under different permeability scenarios, and provides support for the reasonable planning and cost control of regional wind power integration.


