
A Pilot Protection Method for Transmission Lines of Direct-drive Wind Farms Based on High-frequency Impedance Variance

  • 摘要: 针对直驱风电经直流送出系统送端线路故障难以识别的问题,提出一种基于高频阻抗方差的直驱风场送出线路纵联保护方法。首先,分析送出线路风场侧变流器和直流侧换流器在不同导通工况下的拓扑结构,考虑系统各元件的高频特性,分别构造送出系统风场侧及直流侧的1模高频等效模型。在此基础上,构建区内外故障下直驱风电经直流送出系统的1模高频故障附加网络,并推导线路两侧保护所感受到的1模高频阻抗。最后,基于不同故障场景与1模高频阻抗匹配特性,构造保护判据。最后,基于RT-LAB平台的仿真结果验证了所提方法不受风场控制策略的影响,可实现区内外故障的准确判别。


    Abstract: To address the issue of difficult identification of transmission line faults at the delivery end of direct-drive wind power via DC delivery system, a pilot protection method for direct-drive wind farm transmission line is proposed based on high-frequency impedance variance. Under different conduction conditions, the topologies of the wind farm side converter and DC side converter of the transmission line are analyzed in the first step. Considering the high-frequency characteristics of the system components, the single-mode high-frequency equivalent models for both the wind farm and DC sides of the system are constructed. Base on the basis of model, the single-mode high-frequency fault add-on network of the wind power transmission system is constructed under in-zone and out-of-zone faults. The single-mode high-frequency impedance measured by the protection on both sides of the line is derived. The protection criterion is established based on different fault scenarios and single-mode high-frequency impedance matching characteristics. Finally, the simulation results based on RT-LAB platform confirm that the proposed method remains unaffected by the wind field control strategy and can discriminate faults both inside and outside the zone accurately


