
Low Carbon Economic Scheduling of Virtual Power Plants With Wind Power, Carbon Capture, Charge and Change Station Considering Charge Discharge Strategy

  • 摘要: 为了促进电力系统的低碳化发展,充分考虑源、荷两侧协调低碳运行问题,提出由风电场、碳捕集电厂、充换电站三者聚合而成的风电−碳捕集−充换电站虚拟电厂。首先,根据碳捕集系统的捕集与能耗关系,建立风电−碳捕集−充换电站虚拟电厂,制定充换电站充、放电策略,并基于此充放、电策略分析风电−碳捕集−充换电站虚拟电厂的低碳性能。其次,建立含有风电−碳捕集−充换电站虚拟电厂的系统模型,以系统综合成本最低为目标函数进行低碳经济调度。最后,采用改进IEEE-30节点系统进行算例模拟,通过算例分析,验证所提模型在降低系统碳排放的同时,能够实现系统风电全网消纳,促进系统低碳运行。


    Abstract: To promote the low carbon development of the power system and fully consider the coordinated low carbon operation of the source and load sides, a virtual power plant of wind farm, carbon capture and battery charging and swapping station (BCSS), which is integrated by wind farm, carbon capture and BCSS, was proposed. Firstly, according to the relationship between the capture and energy consumption of the carbon capture system, a virtual power plant of wind power, carbon capture and BCSS was established, the charging and discharging arrangement of the BCSS was formulated. And based on this arrangement, the low carbon performance of the virtual power plant of wind power, carbon capture and BCSS was analyzed. Secondly, the virtual power plant system model containing wind power, carbon capture and BCSS was established, and taking the lowest comprehensive cost of the system as the objective function, Low carbon economy scheduling was performed. Finally, the improved IEEE-30 node system was used for example simulation, it was verified that the proposed model can reduce the system's carbon emissions while achieving full grid wind power consumption and promoting low-carbon operation of the system.


