
Research on Optimal Operation Strategy of CCHP Microgrid

  • 摘要: 冷热电联供微网系统作为一种包含多能源高度耦合、多能量转换模式的综合能源系统,能量管理与策略优化异常复杂,设计合理的系统运行策略进行优化调度是提高系统经济性的必要途径。基于此,分别对 “以电定热”运行策略、“以热定电”运行策略、混合运行策略、以及经济最优运行策略进行了经济性分析,结果表明经济最优运行策略能够在满足冷热电负荷平衡的前提下,根据各部分不同的特性制定最优的运行模式,系统运行成本及燃气轮机运行效率都优于其他运行策略。


    Abstract: As a comprehensive energy system involving with highly coupled multi-energy sources and multi-energy conversion modes, the energy management and strategy optimization of CCHP microgrid system are extremely complex. Therefore, the design of a reasonable system operation strategy for optimal scheduling is essential to enhance the economic efficiecny of the system . Based on this, in this paper we carry out an economic analysis on the operation strategies of "FTL", "FEL", mixed operations, and economic optimal operations, respectively. The results demonstrate that the economic optimal operation strategy can develop the optimal operation mode according to the different characteristics of each component, on the premise of satisfying the balance of cold, thermal and electricity loads. The system operation cost and gas turbine operation efficiency surpass those of other operation strategies.


