
Combined Fault Location Method for DC Transmission Lines Based on Traveling-wave Time Difference Characteristics

  • 摘要: 针对现有行波测距方法受波速度频变和时间误差影响的问题,提出一种基于行波时差特性的直流电网输电线路组合式故障测距方法。首先通过分析初始反行波的时差特性明确故障测距的基本原理,以此确定目标函数并构建原始测距模型;之后考虑波速度频变、时间误差以及结合传统双端行波测距法结果,对该模型进行两次改进,然后利用粒子群算法对虚拟故障距离、波速度和时间误差进行优化,实现精准故障测距;最后,通过数字仿真验证所提测距方法的有效性。大量仿真结果表明,与传统双端行波法相比,所提测距方法精度更高,可实现全线故障测距,不受故障位置影响,抗过渡电阻能力强(500 Ω),对数据同步和采样频率要求低。


    Abstract: Aiming to address the issue of the existing traveling wave distance measurement being influenced by frequency variation of wave velocity and time error, a combined fault location method for DC grid transmission lines is proposed based on time difference characteristics of traveling waves. Firstly, the basic principle of fault location is clarified by analyzing the time difference characteristics of the initial backward traveling wave, so as to determine the objective function and construct the original fault location model. Subsequently, the model undergoes two refinements by considering the frequency variation of wave velocity, time error and the results of traditional double-terminal traveling wave ranging method. The virtual fault distance, wave velocity and time errors are then optimized by particle swarm algorithm to achieve accurate fault location. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed ranging method is verified by digital simulation. A large number of simulation results demonstrate a significant improvement in accuracy and the ability to achieve full-line fault location compared with the traditional double-terminal traveling wave method. It remains unaffected by fault location and exhibits strong resistance to transition resistance (500Ω). Additionally, it also has low requirements for data synchronization and sampling frequency.


