
Distributed Control Strategy for the Battery based DC Microgrid

  • 摘要: 下垂控制在直流微网中的应用越来越广泛。但是下垂特性以及直流母线电阻的存在,使得节点电压偏离额定值且影响系统的负荷分配。为充分发挥直流微电网中储能系统的作用,本文提出了多储能系统直流微电网的分布式控制策略。该控制策略在传统V-I下垂控制策略的基础上加入了平均电压控制环节和功率协调控制环节。两环节通过一致性算法仅仅需要交换相邻两节点的信息,构建一个稀疏的信息交流网络,就能补偿下垂控制造成的电压偏移,且负荷能够按照不同储能系统的荷电状态来分配。针对上述所提的控制策略,本文首先对含两储能系统的直流微电网进行了小干扰稳定性分析。然后在MATLAB/SIMULINK中搭建了含三储能系统的直流微电网模型,通过时域仿真验证了所提控制策略的有效性。


    Abstract: Droop control have been widely applied in DC microgrid. However, it fails to provide regulated rated voltage and proportional load distribution due to the droop characteristics and the transmission line resistance. In order to take advantage of the dispersed energy storage units in the DC microgrid, a distributed control strategy is proposed in this paper. Average voltage control and power coordination are used in the distributed coordination control segment based on traditional V I droop control strategy. According to the proposed control strategy, the information is exchanged between adjacent nodes through the consensus algorithm, a sparse information communication network is built to compensate voltage offset caused by droop control, and to distribute load according to the SOC of the energy storage system. Firstly, the small signal stability of DC micro grid with two energy storage system is analyzed. Then another model of DC micro grid with three energy storage system is built in MATLAB/SIMULINK, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.


